
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Code of Life

Code of Life, as is now known as The religion does two rules A Collection of Cape Wear of Human Lifetime seen. These rules are obligatory paragraph A Community on Earth by a movement of sound. Code of the United Nations not to allow Life A Society Living in Peace and Security. Islam is no Code of Life, as provided by Almighty God.
Code of Life You can cover the economic system, educational system, the Criminal Code, foreign affairs, political system, etc. All the Code of Life Dessa Unica is late for Gano field. If YOU AN annual community Thinks Life Code, simple thought becomes The bolt Ocean Community a United Nations Fund anarchy and the shedding of blood. Because one that all members of the League One is undisciplined and control with what you enjoy doing. If there is a UN Code of Life, the simple mind, the obligor, a virtue of the joint United Nations Rules and regulations.
Code of Life Living Mandatory IF YOU want a peace or A Society. Moreover we now know WE look FIND Capable UN Code of Life. You can view approved either provided by Almighty God, or a grown man. Allah is the Sovereign of the Universe All, He is Creator and Lord. That Easy To DO Paragraph United Nations Code of Life perfect place to see a Human. God, the sovereign is the Power alone can know the past and the future of how The Gift. So You can provide the code easily without whole life, with all types of requirements for a being-paragraph Surviving Human Society in Peace. In the Qur'an is God SAID: "Electricity is the Lord Rules (Khalk Lahul wing wal love)."
Code of Life of Man You can see också Accepted. All the man did the Code of Life as Monarchy, Fascism, Socialism, Dictatorship and Democracy is more to popularize a Last Instance, Field Application Failure in Sin. That is because a creation of God but ONE paragraph Future study a little, how could the sky seem possible without creating two Lifetime code to your blemish? Common Sense nos dice is not possible. So the result is two OK's God as the sovereign.
After knowing the Code of Life Consultation You can ARISE AN Other, What is Islam and Why Islam need to see? The reply looks ALONE Question Sure With the United Nations Single Website Islamic.Vg an Islamic Line, The Main Focus of the generation of electricity Contour DOS and real part of Islam Online ....